Hello Adelogians! (:
Finally the long awaited October gathering! :D This is an outing organized for all adelogians only! :D
Here are the details of the gathering:
30th October 2011 Sunday
2pm to 5pm
Only Be Know by those who going :)
To give out Adelogyworld tshirt to those who havent collect, Collecting of payments for tshirt,LED board and Banner! (: Lastly,to gather all adelogians and have some fun! :D
**Things to note:
1) Those who havent made payment for their shirt, LEDBoard + Banner,please make sure you bring enough cash!
2) Those who had pay all, bring enough cash too, as you might want to buy some food at the cafe (:
3) Its optional to wear Adelogian tshirt, normal clothes will do (:
**4) We will be meeting everyone at Raffles Place Control Station starting from 1.45pm till 2pm(: Those who are late will have to go to the cafe by themselves! (unless you really dont know how to go or with specific reasons)
Lastly, a final reminder of the prices:
1) Adelogian Shirt= $20 for each member
2) LED Board + Banner = $15 for each member
The admins will sms all adelogians soon and please do reply us for your confirmation of your attendance :D
Hope to see you all on that day! Cheers! :D
Signing Off;
Finally the long awaited October gathering! :D This is an outing organized for all adelogians only! :D
Here are the details of the gathering:
30th October 2011 Sunday
2pm to 5pm
Only Be Know by those who going :)
To give out Adelogyworld tshirt to those who havent collect, Collecting of payments for tshirt,LED board and Banner! (: Lastly,to gather all adelogians and have some fun! :D
**Things to note:
1) Those who havent made payment for their shirt, LEDBoard + Banner,please make sure you bring enough cash!
2) Those who had pay all, bring enough cash too, as you might want to buy some food at the cafe (:
3) Its optional to wear Adelogian tshirt, normal clothes will do (:
**4) We will be meeting everyone at Raffles Place Control Station starting from 1.45pm till 2pm(: Those who are late will have to go to the cafe by themselves! (unless you really dont know how to go or with specific reasons)
Lastly, a final reminder of the prices:
1) Adelogian Shirt= $20 for each member
2) LED Board + Banner = $15 for each member
The admins will sms all adelogians soon and please do reply us for your confirmation of your attendance :D
Hope to see you all on that day! Cheers! :D
Signing Off;