Hello adelogians! :)

We have just ended our very own and first "Virtual" Gathering! :)
Its a success, a BIG thankyou to all adelogians who participated in this gathering! :)
As everyone is busy in this month, the admins created our very special "Virtual" gathering on the 31st March 2012!
We had our gathering in our very own closed facebook group whereby all adelogians chat and share their views there.
It is also a good chance to let all adelogians mingle and know each other better! :)
Other than that, the admins ofcourse assigned a special task for all adelogians! 
Without all adelogians who helped, we wont be able to do out this task!
What's the special task? (curious uh?,haha.)
We will post it out soon,be sure to keep a look out at our website and ofcourse facebook page! :)


Signing Off;

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